
Friday, September 10, 2010

The Expendables

So I just got done watching this movie. It was good but it wasn't good at the same time. I mean it was kinda cheesy and it makes me wonder why they did it. Just for fun or to make more money on top of the money they have and don't need? It is one thing to come out with a true legend of a movie but to have legends in a cheesy movie like this makes me wonder if the idea pool has dried up in Hollywood.

Another perfect example of "wtf why are they doing this?" Is the *famous* remix to the All I do is win song.

According to Puffy he is a billionaire. If that is true why make such ridiculous videos. I wish I was this rich just to fuck around at that point in my life.


  1. Yeah i wish i was so rich i could troll the public so elaborately. :D

  2. She robbed that many bags ain't good, sir.

  3. They probably did it because they enjoy it.

  4. Money is the answer for everything here.

  5. when you're rich, it doesn't matter how stupid you look

  6. well i thought the expendables was only made because of the actors cast, arnie, jet li, stalone etc, just because they're all so awesome. lol

  7. just watched the expendables, great movie !

  8. All music sounds the same these days rofl

  9. nice stuff man, I am legion, return love.

  10. followin and showin support for cool new blogs i find
    view n support my blogs bro?

  11. haha yea but i dunno it looks good i'll still see it

  12. Aww expendables was pretty good and action filled. Pure testosterone.
